We hate until we forget
We love until we remember
The world turns, the fires burn
as we say goodbye
To another December
Another year of the same
False Hope
Wearing a shirt labeled "Change"
But we
gotta remember this December
that change for the worse
is change all the
It won't do any good, but there's plenty of blame
Mass murderers, warmongers, cartels and gangs
Underground or
Some violent, some tame
They all got bloody hands just the
Humanitarian mission?
Call it an old wound with a new incision
chance to spark sectarian fission
It's the same shit they've
Been dishin
Decade after decade
The same war game being played
ya know
good guys,
And a day saved
The world makes another trip around the sun
And we see countries that
governments don't run
Gangs and killers got fingers on the triggers
each and every gun
killing mothers burying their sons
North, south, east, and west
Money is our god,
man forget the rest
Bank accounts test success
By way of the almighty dollar
May this day be blessed
Uncle Sam with blood on his hands
His drone programs
Taking out those Taliban
In Afghanistan, Pakistan
And everywhere-else-istan
In an age when to question is treason
I gotta say there's a reason
"War on terror" rhymes with error
If ya gotta know,
Just ask for a flag from the pall-bearer
The beasts were saved two by two
But we're taking them out one by one
Animals around the world
Stuck on the wrong end of a hungry man's gun
Long into the future
Whoever's left might say
"We had life living in
every which way,
but the almighty Dollar chased the beasts away"
Corruption without interruption
Fuelin' wars of blood for oil
Senseless toil while
The fires burn and our
oceans boil
Around the globe
From foreign lands to native soil
being freed from its earthly coil
Children goin' hungry while cats get fat
But its best we just ignore
that fact
Why don't we talk about the slave trade fully intact?
labor and sex
Bribes in cash are
harder to follow
harder to check
Today its 2013 and all around the world is a wreck
A mirror might be
the best place to check
But you can watch and make the bet we'll choose
Bury our head in our ass
Up to our neck
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